Special Tests

  • immagine NRL Arch Reflectivity Test

    NRL Arch Reflectivity Test

    NRL Test - Testing method based on IEEE standards for high-frequency radar-absorbing material from 700 MHz to 18 GHz, being able to extend the test up to 40 GHz.

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  • immagine Water spray test norma FIAT CHRYSLER FCA PF.90303 par.5.6.2

    Water spray test norma FIAT CHRYSLER FCA PF.90303 par.5.6.2

    Automotive Water Spray Test following the procedure FIAT CHRYSLER FCA PF.90303 at the paragraph 5.6.2.

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  • immagine Static Magnetic Field Immunity Test Method

    Static Magnetic Field Immunity Test Method

    Evaluating electronic devices' immunity to static magnetic fields in milliteslas (mT).

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  • IK Mechanical Impact Tests

  • immagine IK01 IK02 IK03 IK04 IK05 IK06 IK07 IK08 IK09 IK10 Impact Test

    IK01 IK02 IK03 IK04 IK05 IK06 IK07 IK08 IK09 IK10 Impact Test

    Protection degree against external mechanical impacts provided by the casing of the electrical equipment: CEI EN 62262, EN 50102, DIN/VDE 0470 part 100.

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    Measurement Equipment Repair

  • immagine Measurement Equipment Repairment

    Measurement Equipment Repairment

    Measurement equipment repairment Lab. Spectrum analyzer, amplifiers and industrial equipment. Contact us for a quote.

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  • IP Ingress Protection Tests

  • immagine IP Testing IEC60529 IP 40 44 55 65 66 67 68

    IP Testing IEC60529 IP 40 44 55 65 66 67 68

    IP Ingress Protection Testing up to IP69k for checking the enclosures for electrical equipment against the intrusion from foreign objects, following IEC 60529.

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  • immagine Ingress Protection IP 20 EN 60529 (VDE 0470)

    Ingress Protection IP 20 EN 60529 (VDE 0470)

    IP Ingress Protection IP20 IP2x testing enclosures from foreign objects larger than 12mm. Testing access probe in hazardous parts: Jointed Test Finger, Sphere.

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  • immagine Degree of protection provided by Enclosures IP30 3x

    Degree of protection provided by Enclosures IP30 3x

    IP Ingress Protection IP30 for checking the enclosures against objects that can intrude to. Testing IP30/3x in our laboratory following IEC EN 60529 standard.

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  • immagine IP40 Ingress Protection IEC EN 60529 (wire test 1mm)

    IP40 Ingress Protection IEC EN 60529 (wire test 1mm)

    IP Enclosures and degrees of protection Test IP40 for checking the intrusion from solid objects. Testing IP40/4x in EMC Lab following IEC EN 60529 standard.

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  • immagine IP44 Protection Testing Covering IP4x IPx4 IEC 60529

    IP44 Protection Testing Covering IP4x IPx4 IEC 60529

    Degree of Protection IP 44 - IP44 - IP4x - water test with oscillating tube or spray nozzle. No ingress of solid particles with a diameter greater than 1mm.

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  • immagine Cases Bag Protection IP 50 Dust Ingress Testing IP5x

    Cases Bag Protection IP 50 Dust Ingress Testing IP5x

    Degree of Protection IP 50 (Dust-protected). We verify the ingress of dust that must not interfere with normal operation following IEC EN 60529 standard.

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  • immagine Ingress Protection Rating IP54 IP5x NEMA3 IP Testing

    Ingress Protection Rating IP54 IP5x NEMA3 IP Testing

    IP Testing Ingress Protection Rating IP54 IP5x NEMA3. This Degrees of protection do not have to prevent ingress of dust (Dust-protected) and water splashed.

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  • immagine Ingress Protection Test IP55 IP5x IPx5 IEC EN 60529

    Ingress Protection Test IP55 IP5x IPx5 IEC EN 60529

    IP55 Protection Enclosures: Water test IPx5 and dust test IP5x. We perform in lab or on-site ingress protection testing on objects to certify of any dimension.

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  • immagine IP56 Enclosures Ingress Protection Test IP5x IPx6

    IP56 Enclosures Ingress Protection Test IP5x IPx6

    EMCTEST Lab performs international IP Tests on objects of any dimension. Dust IP5x and water IPx6 Ingress protection degree testing on enclosures IEC EN 60529.

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  • immagine Test IP 65 Ingress Protection Water Dust IEC 60529

    Test IP 65 Ingress Protection Water Dust IEC 60529

    Ingress protection verifying ip code 65 following ANSI IEC EN 60529 standard against the penetration of water and dust. IPx5 and IP6x test reports laboratory.

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  • immagine IP66 NEMA4 Enclosures Protection Test IEC/EN 60529

    IP66 NEMA4 Enclosures Protection Test IEC/EN 60529

    IP66 NEMA4 IP Enclosure testing: ingress protection in lab and on-site against water and dust on small or big dimension items. ie. container, mobile phones etc.

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  • immagine IP67 Enclosures Protection Test IP6x IPx5 IEC/EN 60529

    IP67 Enclosures Protection Test IP6x IPx5 IEC/EN 60529

    Due ambient conditions water and dust can causes safety problems. We provide IP67, NEMA6 tests on covering or containers of any dimension in lab or on-site.

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  • immagine Degree of Protection IP68 Test IP6x IPx8 IEC 60529

    Degree of Protection IP68 Test IP6x IPx8 IEC 60529

    Ingress protection IP 68 is performed testing the immersion proof: Object tested must pass the waterproof and dustproof tests in accordance to IEC 60529 standard.

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  • immagine Ingress Protection IP69 IEC 60529 - IP69K ISO20653

    Ingress Protection IP69 IEC 60529 - IP69K ISO20653

    IP Ingress Protection IP69K for checking the enclosures of electrical equipment against foreign objects. ISO20653 (ex DIN 40050-9) extends the IEC 60529.

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  • Electrical Safety Test

  • immagine Prova di Pressione della Biglia (Ball Pressure Test)

    Prova di Pressione della Biglia (Ball Pressure Test)

    Eseguiamo prove di sicurezza, rischi di incendio su materiali isolanti/plastiche verificando la resistenza al calore sotto pressione costante. EN/IEC 60695-10-2

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  • immagine EMF Tests - EN50364/50445/62233/62311/62479/62493

    EMF Tests - EN50364/50445/62233/62311/62479/62493

    Surveys electromagnetic field generated by electrical equipment. Safety Testing EMF according to the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/UE (ex 2006/95/EC) the CE Marking.

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  • immagine Prove di Infiammabilità - Glow Wire e Needle Flame

    Prove di Infiammabilità - Glow Wire e Needle Flame

    Simulazione di sollecitazioni termiche per valutazione della classe di infiammabilità di materiali plastici eseguendo Needle Flame Test e Glow Wire Test.

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  • immagine Prove Bassa Tensione LVD | Direttiva 2014/35/EU

    Prove Bassa Tensione LVD | Direttiva 2014/35/EU

    Laboratorio prove di Bassa Tensione (LVD) per Marcatura CE. Resistenza di isolamento, Rigidità dielettrica, continuità di terra, corrente di dispersione.

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  • immagine Prove di Riscaldamento e Sicurezza di un Prodotto

    Prove di Riscaldamento e Sicurezza di un Prodotto

    Prove di sicurezza elettrica di riscaldamento del dispositivo che non deve emettere fiamme, metallo fuso o gas infiammabile o nocivo da costituire pericolo.

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  • immagine Prove di Sicurezza Elettrica di Scarica della Spina

    Prove di Sicurezza Elettrica di Scarica della Spina

    Prova di Scarica della Spina: viene misurato il tempo di scarica delle capacità interne connesse all’alimentazione e del valore di tensione residua sui contatti.

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  • immagine Sicurezza Fotobiologica delle Lampade IEC/EN 62471

    Sicurezza Fotobiologica delle Lampade IEC/EN 62471

    Sicurezza fotobiologica su lampade, luci a led ed apparecchi di illuminazione con classificazione della radiazione a seconda della pericolosità (EN/IEC 62471).

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  • immagine Leakage Current Discharge Safety Test IEC EN 60950

    Leakage Current Discharge Safety Test IEC EN 60950

    Safety tests leakage current discharge on measuring excessive dispersion according to IEC/CEI EN 60950 on electrical equipment. Lab tests in Italy.

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  • immagine Prova sulla Resistenza di Isolamento (CEI 64-8/6)

    Prova sulla Resistenza di Isolamento (CEI 64-8/6)

    Test di sicurezza elettrica sulla Resistenza di Isolamento prevista dalla Normativa CEI 64-8/6 misurando dunque resistenza e corrente al suo passaggio.

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  • immagine Prova di Rigidità Elettrica ad Alta Tensione (V)

    Prova di Rigidità Elettrica ad Alta Tensione (V)

    Prova di rigidità su materiale isolante per determinare il limite massimo di tensione sopportabile o conformità ad una norma prima della condizione di elettricità.

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  • immagine Tracking Test Prova Tracciamento CTI PTI

    Tracking Test Prova Tracciamento CTI PTI

    Prove di verifica della resistenza alle correnti di superficie a causa di stress elettrico mediante i test CTI e PTI (Comparative & Proof Tracking Index).

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  • European Certification

  • immagine R&TTE 1999/5/CE EMC 2004/108/CE LVD 2006/95/CE

    R&TTE 1999/5/CE EMC 2004/108/CE LVD 2006/95/CE

    Prove di Marcatura CE e Certificazione verificandone la Conformità secondo le Direttive R&TTE su apparecchiature Radio e Terminali di Telecomunicazione.

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  • immagine Marcatura e Conformità CE Prove in Campo e in Laboratorio

    Marcatura e Conformità CE Prove in Campo e in Laboratorio

    Prove Pre-Compliance e Full-Compliance, Dichiarazione di Conformità CE, Prove On-Site, Verifiche di Compatibilità Elettromagnetica e Prove Bassa Tensione LVD.

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  • immagine Prove Compatibilità Elettromagnetica e Conformità EMC

    Prove Compatibilità Elettromagnetica e Conformità EMC

    Il laboratorio EMCTEST certifica famiglie di prodotti in base alla conformità ed alla direttiva EMC eseguendo Prove di Compatibilità Elettromagnetica e non solo.

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  • immagine Dispositivi Medici Elettromedicali CEI EN 60601-1

    Dispositivi Medici Elettromedicali CEI EN 60601-1

    Prove su Dispositivi Medici, Apparecchiature Medicali-Elettromedicali secondo le direttive Comunitarie su Dispositivi Medicali 2017/745 di classe CEI EN 60601-1.

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  • immagine Marcatura CE - Certificazione di Prodotti Elettrici

    Marcatura CE - Certificazione di Prodotti Elettrici

    Il laboratorio di Misura EMCTEST si occupa di dichiarazioni di conformità, marcatura CE per prodotti elettrici, direttive comunitarie EMC, LVD e Certificazioni.

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  • immagine RED Certification 2014/53/EU CE Marking for Radio Equipment

    RED Certification 2014/53/EU CE Marking for Radio Equipment

    RED certification and conformity testing for CE marking on radio equipment and telecommunications terminals. Comprehensive assistance and technical consultancy.

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  • immagine RoHS Analysis CE Certification Restriction of Hazardous Substances

    RoHS Analysis CE Certification Restriction of Hazardous Substances

    RoHS compliance analysis and testing for CE marking on electrical and electronic products. Complete assistance and technical consultancy to ensure compliance with European regulations.

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  • EMI Testing

  • immagine EMI Shielding Effectiveness MIL-STD NSA IEEE 299

    EMI Shielding Effectiveness MIL-STD NSA IEEE 299

    Emctest measuring EMI shielding effectiveness testing, penetration depth, reflection and scattering testing to MIL-STD-285, NSA 65-6, IEEE 299 Standards.

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    EMC Tests

  • immagine Servizi EMC Automotive Testing

    Servizi EMC Automotive Testing

    Offriamo verifica e certificazione compatibilità elettromagnetica per automotive. Immunità a scarica elettrostatica, scarica esd ed emissioni condotte.

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  • immagine Prove Certificazione Compatibilità elettromagnetica

    Prove Certificazione Compatibilità elettromagnetica

    Verifiche Compatibilità Elettromagnetica EMC. Emissioni ed immunità radiate e condotte, scariche elettrostatiche ESD, flicker, test EMF, armoniche e burst.

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  • immagine Harmonics Measurement and Flicker Tests

    Harmonics Measurement and Flicker Tests

    Harmonic Measurements and Flicker CEI EN 61000-3-2 , 61000-3-3 , 61000-3-11 , 61000-3-12. Contact our lab to get a quotation and to perform these tests.

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  • immagine Voltage Tests and Frequency Variation IEC EN 50160

    Voltage Tests and Frequency Variation IEC EN 50160

    CE marking laboratory in Rimini, Italy. Voltage interruption tests and Frequency variation, IEC EN 50160 standard. Interruptions, holes and voltage imbalances.

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  • immagine ESD Test - CEI EN 61000-4-2 (CEI 210-34)

    ESD Test - CEI EN 61000-4-2 (CEI 210-34)

    Emctest performs immunity tests against electrostatic discharge (ESD) in our lab or on-site. Specialized to EMC and Certification. Contact us for a quote.

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  • immagine EMC Lab Conducted Immunity Testing IEC 61000-4-6

    EMC Lab Conducted Immunity Testing IEC 61000-4-6

    Emc lab for conducted immunity tests induced by radio-frequency fields: standard IEC 61000-4-6. We perform tests in anechoic chamber and on-site to the client.

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  • immagine Radiated Immunity Testing IEC EN 61000-4-3

    Radiated Immunity Testing IEC EN 61000-4-3

    Radiated immunity testing laboratory. IEC 61000-4-3 / CISPR 16-2-3. Contact us to get a quotation.

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  • immagine Emc tests on-site to the customer with our Mobile lab (OATS Test)

    Emc tests on-site to the customer with our Mobile lab (OATS Test)

    Emc tests on site (OATS Test) at the customer's facility on large samples, machines. Emctest laboratory marks CE your products performing emc tests on-site.

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    Ambiental Tests

  • immagine Materials corrosion Fog salt spray tests iso 9227

    Materials corrosion Fog salt spray tests iso 9227

    Neutral and acetic salt spray tests. Corrosion tests on metallic and organic materials and coatings. Contact us for a quote.

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  • immagine Climatic Testing -75°C to +300°C | Environmental Laboratory

    Climatic Testing -75°C to +300°C | Environmental Laboratory

    Laboratory for environmental and climatic testing (-75°C to +300°C): heat, cold, humidity, thermal shocks, corrosion, vibrations, and more.

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    Electromagnetic Pollution

  • immagine Misure Inquinamento Elettromagnetico Elettrosmog

    Misure Inquinamento Elettromagnetico Elettrosmog

    Laboratorio di Misure inquinamento elettromagnetico. Consulenza e Rilevamenti elettrosmog da antenne. Mappatura campi elettromagnetici e Perizie tecniche per contenziosi.

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  • Precompliance

  • immagine Precompliance Certificazione Omologazione Prodotti

    Precompliance Certificazione Omologazione Prodotti

    Conformità e Certificazione di dispositivi elettronici secondo le normative italiane ed europee. Verifica degli standard di compatibilità elettromagnetica.

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    Equipment Hire


Some of our known customers

Open: www.arpalazio.gov.it
Open: www.tre.it
Open: www.a2a.eu
Open: www.abb.it
Open: www.accenture.com
Open: www.accobrands.com
Open: www.aetnagroup.com
Open: www.clevertech-group.com
Open: www.biessegroup.com
Open: www.bticino.it
Open: www.cefla.com
Open: www.celli.com
Open: www.comecer.com
Open: www.coet.it
Open: www.ducatienergia.com
Open: www.colasrail.com
Open: www.colombinigroup.com
Open: www.daikin.it
Open: www.indelwebastomarine.com
Open: www.efitechnology.it
Open: www.esercito.difesa.it
Open: www.wabteccorp.com
Open: www.fastweb.it
Open: www.fimarspa.it
Open: www.4ts.it
Open: www.frankonia.de
Open: www.gembb.sm
Open: www.giordano.it
Open: www.ima.it
Open: www.johnsonelectric.com
Open: www.ingeteam.com
Open: www.intel.com
Open: www.interpuls.com
Open: www.dipartimenti.unicas.it
Open: www.lamborghini.com
Open: www.leonardocompany.com
Open: www.solianiemc.com
Open: www.flex.com
Open: www.jungheinrich.it
Open: www.omag-pack.com.webp
Open: www.omp-italia.com
Open: www.tim.it
Open: www.luxottica.com
Open: www.minervaomegagroup.com
Open: www.offshoremarinecranes.com
Open: www.petronash.com.webp
Open: www.plasticapanaro.it
Open: www.robopac.com
Open: www.sgs.com
Open: www.svantek.com
Open: www.techimp.com
Open: www.technogym.com
Open: www.temelettronica.com
Open: www.terabee.com
Open: www.thalesgroup.com
Open: www.tim.it
Open: www.tps-aerospace.it
Open: www.dei.unibo.it
Open: www.cavotec.com
Open: www.unipd.it
Open: www.vivipharma.com
Open: www.wamgroup.it
Open: www.wind.it
Open: www.civitanavi.com

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