Environmental Testing Climatic Ambient Testing EMCTEST

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  • Environmental Testing Climatic

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    Environmental Testing Climatic

    The laboratory EMCTEST offers all the facilities to allow you achieve a safe operating product in all usage conditions, for a warranty of resistance to all environmental conditions and stresses required by the relevant technical regulations.

    Available several climatic chambers:
    • N.1 big size climatic chamber (Max dimensions 6200x4200x4200h mm ~ ; Door dimensions: 3000x3000 (h) mm ~ ; Temperatures: -40°C / + 70°C)
    • N.1 chamber (Max dimensions 1000x1000x1200h mm ~ ; Door dimensions: 1000x1200 (h) mm ~ ; Temperatures: -40°C / +180°C)
    • N.1 chamber (Max dimensions 940x800x800h mm ~ ; Humidity control: 10% / 95%; Temperature: -40°C / +180°C)
    • Combined climatic chambers (vibrations + temperature) also available for large samples

    The mechanical and environmental stresses that are simulated on the products to test are used to verify the response to exposure to heat, cold, humidity, wind, weather, and certain extreme ambient conditions that may cause an impact on the normal operation.
    The tests performed are used to provide a further guarantee of proper operation of the product in any condition, as well as to identify possible weaknesses in order to make the improvements from the early stages of production.
    Climatic chambers of EMCTEST can simulate weather conditions with extreme temperatures and humidity.

    Stress testing environmental performed are:
    • Resistance to shock and vibration
    • Combined vibration-temperature tests
    • Weather tests (hot, cold, humidity controlled)
    • Environmental tests (thermal shock up to extreme conditions)
    • Environmental tests subjected to a defined moisture
    • Verification of Degrees of Protection intrusion IP (Ingress Protection)
    • Evidence of corrosion resistance
    • Accelerated aging tests in artificial light (Xenon test)
    • mechanical shock tests or free fall
    • IP Testing of resistance to penetration by fluids or dusts up to grade: IP69K
    • Saline fog and corrosion (Dry Corrosion Test Cabinet)
    • Low pressure associated with temperature
    • Acoustic tests
    • High-voltage tests
    • Insulation resistance tests
    • Burn test in electronic circuit boards

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